Breathable Hydrophilic Membrane
Duplex Hydrophilic & Hydrophobic Membranes

Cobetter’s Duplex Hydrophilic & Hydrophobic Membranes is typically designed and engineered for the disinfectant or preservative free drip dispenser filtration. The Duplex Hydrophilic & Hydrophobic Membranes is constructed of Hydrophilic PES membrane along with a Hydrophobic PTFE streak, leading to the existence of both hydrophilic and hydrophobic nature within an identical membrane.

In a disinfectant or preservative free application, usually an eye / nose / wound drop container with a drip dispenser, the hydrophilic nature allows solution flow back and forth through the Duplex Hydrophilic & Hydrophobic Membranes, while the hydrophobic streak remains gas breathable, equalizing air pressure between inside and outside of the container all the time, which is necessary for multiple times of solution dispensing.

The pore size of Duplex Hydrophilic & Hydrophobic Membranes is 0.22um, for both hydrophilic and hydrophobic parts, resulting in the nature of bacteria repellent of the membrane. The bacteria repellent nature of Duplex Hydrophilic & Hydrophobic Membranes provides that even the last drop of liquid solution, falling back into the container, will be bacterial free. Thus, sterility of the solution will be maintained regardless of the number of times the solution is dispensed and no chemical disinfectant or preservative is required for the solution.

Certified Biological Safety( ISO10993/USP Class VI )

Low Drug and Protein Adsorption

Low Extractables

Outstanding Flow Rates & Longer Life

Compatible with Different Sealing Methods

Ultrasonic, Heat, Mechanical, RF Welding, Inserting Molding

Sterilization Compatibility

Autoclave, Ethylene Oxide, E-Beam, Gamma Irradiation

Available Pore Sizes (μm)


Typical Applications

Disinfectant/Preservative Free--Eye Drop & Nose Drop & Wound Drop

Membrane Formats

Sheet,  Disc,  Adhesive Backing

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